
Showing posts from April, 2019

Exactly How To i want my ex back

How to get him back (if it’s only been a week) Right now your emotions are all over the place. You feel loss, loneliness, fear…you’re even probably wondering if you’ll ever feel ok again. Just breathe. You need to do a few things while the break-up is fresh: –   Write down your thoughts and feelings about the relationship (be really honest – what worked about it, what didn’t work about it. Don’t look at it through rose-tinted glasses.) –   Keep people around you who bring you up and work on building a life of INDEPENDENCE from your ex. –   Have a period of No-Contact with your ex. Give yourself distance. Put away those photos that remind you of him, stop the social media stalking, and start the process of healing your relationship wound. After a week, send your ex a “Goodbye Letter”. In this VERY short message, you can do the following (and ONLY the following):   Acknowledge any hurtful or painful things you did at the end of the relationship   Be gracef